The fulfilment of our delivery obligations is subject to the customer fulfilling his own obligations promptly and correctly. We reserve the right to object, if the terms of the contract are not met in full. If the customer delays delivery or breaches any other obligations, we are entitled to demand compensation for any resulting damages, including any additional expenditure. We also reserve the right to make further claims. The risk of accidental loss or the accidental deterioration of the goods becomes the responsibility of the customer at the point when delivery is delayed or a default on payment occurs. If the failure to comply with delivery obligations is due to reasons of force majeure, e.g. mobilisation, war, terror attack, civil unrest, or due to circumstances such as industrial disputes, e.g. strikes or lock-outs, the terms of delivery are extended for the duration of these events. Partial deliveries are only made if these are acceptable for the customer. In the case of delays caused by a failure on our part to meet delivery obligations, the customer is entitled to demand compensation to the amount of 0.5 % for every full week in which the delivery is delayed. The customer is entitled to claim an amount not exceeding 5 % of the purchasing price paid for the goods delivered. In the event of delivery delays, claims for compensation made by the customer on the grounds of delivery delays and claims for compensation in lieu of performance will not be met, if they extend beyond the limits stated in paragraph 5, even if we have failed to meet a specified deadline. This does not apply, if the delivery delay was caused by deliberate or a grossly negligent breach of the contract on our part. Furthermore, the disclaimer or liability limitation does not apply, if the customer’s life is endangered or in the case of bodily harm or damage to the customer‘s health. At our request and within a reasonable time period, the customer is obliged to declare whether he intends to terminate the contract due to delays in delivery, or if he insists on receiving his goods.